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Invitation for supply and delivery of electrical material for LEC - 22/07/2021



Invitation to Tender                                                    LEC/PO-1007/2021/22


The Lesotho Electricity Company (Pty) Ltd (LEC) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for supply and delivery of electrical material for Lesotho Electricity Company (Pty) Ltd. The agreement shall be for a period of one year starting from the current financial year 2021-2022, through to the financial year 2022-2023 a one year contract.


The work to be carried out under this Contract consists mainly of the following:


The Bidder is required to tender not less than 50% on each selected lot. Should the bidder not tender 50% or more on chosen lot or lots their bid will not be considered.

  1 Pole Wood
  2 Ring Main Unit, Mini Sub, NECRT, 11kv Transformer, 33kv/400v Transformer, 33/22kv Transformer and Switch Gear
  3 Kit Splice Resin, Joint Cable 12kv, Joint Cable 33kv, Termination kit indoor 12kv, Termination kit Outdoor 12kv and Termination kit indoor 33kv
  4 Insulators
 5 Meters Boxes, Meter Maximum Demand, MOV, Wall bases, Meter Keypad, Meter Prepaid 1 Ø and Meter Prepaid 3 Ø
 6 Bandits, Saddle, Screw, Nuts, Washers, Rods, Bolts, Plates, Rods, Brackets, Nails, Pipes Flat Strap Bracing, Spindle and Thimble
 7 Cables, End Cap, Joint, Pre-insulated, Insulated, Conductors Bare, Conductors and Wires
 8 Boxes, Circuit Breakers and Din Rail
 9 Preform, dead end, Spacer, Line taps, Joints and Crimpits
10 Ferrules, Lugs, Lug Crimp Aluminium, Lug Crimp Copper, Lug Pre-insulated and Terminal Lugs
11 Fuse HRC, U4 and U5 Distribution Unit, Fuse Striker Pin Brackets and Holders
12 Earthing Material
13 Transformer Combi Unit and Accessories, Arrestors and Fuses
14 Clamps
15 Glands, Ties, Connectors and Tapes
16 Cubicles, Current Transformer, Panel, Kiosks and Distribution units


  1. Tendering Companies Should Have the Following Documents:


  1. Company Registration Certificate
  2. Tax Clearance Certificates
  3. Traders License


  1. Tender Not Binding


LEC will not be obliged to accept the lowest-priced or any other tender.


Sealed tenders clearly marked “TENDER FOR SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF ELECTRICAL MATERIAL FOR LESOTHO ELECTRICITY COMPANY (PTY) LTD” bearing no identification of the Tenderer, must be deposited in a tender box located at the LEC Management Block Reception, Headquarters on or before 22nd July 2021 at 14h15. Tenders will be opened on the same day at 14h15. And must be accompanied by a refundable bid security of M5, 000.00(Bid security should be in the Technical Proposal). Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 14h15 on Thursday 22nd July 2021 at LEC Management Block Reception.


  1. Further Enquiries Contact


Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Procurement offices at:


Lesotho Electricity Company (Pty) Ltd.

53 Moshoeshoe Road, Industrial Area, P.O. Box 423,

Maseru, 0100, Lesotho


Tel: +266 5227 2219, 5227 2360, 5227 2146, 5227 2434


Emails: monokoa@lec.co.ls; tsiu@lec.co.ls; motloung@lec.co.ls


A complete set of bidding documents is available from Procurement Office.